Saturday, March 3, 2012


When I first met Jackson, I thought he was so ridiculously awesome that he had to have a girlfriend. After a few conversations and no mention of a girlfriend, I convinced myself that he had to be single and we were made for each other. Once we became Facebook friends, I saw pictures of him with one specific girl and I decided they were totally dating. [Insert 24 hours of mourning here.]
During this depressing disaster zone, Jackson and I hung out twice. Yes, twice. In large group settings nonetheless, but still I think we had a blast. He complimented mine and Lydia's cooking and we now have a couple of inside jokes. Friendship is beginning to blossom, beautifully of course.

After further investigation, I've found that this facebook-picture-chick is a long-past ex-girlfriend, and they haven't been much of friends since they broke up two years ago. Only in the past month have they started "catching up." That's right, at the exact same time I met Jackson, this girlie started trying to rekindle their love by showing him funny YouTube videos and meeting up for ice cream. I don't want to be possessive, but I would like to say to this girl: Stop living in the past!

If she doesn't move on, I'll be forced to.

Trying not to worry yet contemplating being more aggressive,

Friday, March 2, 2012


Can we just talk about how freakin adorable Brett is? I think I'm in love. Or something like it.
He always looks so excited to see me, but I may just be overthinking it. He's probably just being polite. 

Warning! The following story sounds like I'm a creep, but I promise it was completely per chance.

 As you remember, Brett helps lead worship at a Thursday night service that I regularly attend. This past time, I pulled into the parking lot with Kitty and we parked in our usual spot. We noticed for the first time that there was a window from the parking lot to backstage, and we saw Brett. Not even ten seconds later, he balled up a piece of paper and shot it into the garbage can. Nothing but net. He put his fists in the air and did a little victory dance around the room, but nobody else inside was celebrating with him. Little did he know I was cheering for him from inside my car! It was a precious moment we shared.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


About a week ago, our dearest Chandler slipped into the conversation that he's 27 years old. 27 isn't that old, but according to the "half-your-age-plus-seven" rule, he can't date anyone younger that 20.5.  I barely make the cut.

I'd almost given up hope, but I was still excited for him to be on my basketball team for the tournament. Halfway though the tournament, he twisted his ankle. (What a grandpa!) He was out for the rest of the game. My instincts were so flock to his side, tend to his wound, and hold an ice pack on his ankle. Unfortunately, I was a team captain so I couldn't step out at all.

Like clockwork, my friend Cassidy decided she was tired of basketball and wanted to sit out of the tournament. Sit out... next to Chandler. The entire duration of the tournament, I was so distracted by Cassidy and Chandler, giggling over each other, basically falling in love right before my eyes.

After the tournament, a huge group of use decided to go to our favorite local burger joint, until Chandler said, "Are you sure there's enough room for all of us?" Cassidy chimed in, "Yeah, I think I'm going to go get sushi instead." Chandler, "I could go for some sushi too right now." And then they sailed off into the sunset together, trampling over my delicate little heart.

What a letdown,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Not even in the friend zone

There are quite a few young fresh musicians in this hip town we live in. Through a series of random events, we recently connected with a couple of them and met up for coffee. Like a blind date, except strictly set up for friendship (or so we thought...)

The dudes set up the time and place: 8pm on Sunday night at a super trendy coffee shop. We were kinda nervous but didn't know why. Mitchell and Brian found us, greeted us, found a table for us, and it was the perfect start to a fun evening. We laughed the night away; they were so kind, funny, and had much in common with us. Our coffee date ended with a polite yet hopeful, "See ya later!" "This was fun!" "Glad to meetcha!" "See ya around!"

On the car ride home, we were discussing how nice they were and how we totally weren't interested in anything but friendship. One hour later we were discussing how freaking adorable Brian and Mitchell were and which one of us should date which one of them.

So excited at our prospective new love interests, we were wondering how we could get them to ask us out again. Our solution: throw the ball into their court with a polite Facebook message, "Hey, thanks for meeting up with us! It was so fun to meet you :)"

Their response: "We'll probably just see you around."

Feeling rejected,
Kitty and Lydia

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Okay, so you're not going to be hearing about Steve anymore. Here are the sad details:

As Kitty said earlier, she was trying to convince me to make Steve some chocolate cookies. She succeeded, but I insisted that we also made some other baked goods so it would be less obvious. I guess you could say it was an epic success. Steve tried our cookies and said, "These cookies are so good I would even eat them if they were poisoned!"

I guess he has a weird sense of humor.

Anyway, I was basically on Cloud 9 all day because he loved my cooking so much. Then things took a turn for the worst. At the end of the day, he decided to take some extra cookies home with him. He also decided to take some home for his girlfriend.

Crying my eyes out but not really,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Unintentional Dinner Date

The title of this post is misleading.

Lydia and I went to dinner with our entire Bible Study, got lost on the way, and showed up late. There were no seats left, but Jackson and Brett were on the end and pulled up a table for us. We were forced to sit by them. Aw, rats. And since we were at the end of the table, we could only talk to Jackson and Brett. Actually, no lie, that was a little upsetting, but it forced us to be comfortable around these two Jesus-loving hunks.
I think the conversation went really well. We invited Jackson to the worship service that Brett plays at. The service is tonight, and we are currently scheming a plan to get Jackson and Brett to hang out afterwards. We'll let you know how it goes.


On Tuesday

This just in! (two days ago): New developments on my journey to Chandler's heart.

Tuesday, I didn't see him until the very end of the day. Staff was running around to clean up, but volunteers aren't expected to help clean. I saw him standing around awkwardly in his goofy warm-up-pants, thinking to himself, Am I done? Do they need more help? Do I just leave?
And I answered these hypothetical questions in my head, You're done, we don't need any more help, but no you may not leave!

I walked up and said, "Chandler!" hoping he would remember my name. He did not say it, but I left my name tag on so maybe he will remember my name next week. I invited him to a staff basketball tournament on Feb 25, and he said he would come. The rest of the conversation revolved around my trying to convince him to be on my team. He wouldn't commit, but he was really enjoying bargaining. He almost agreed to a signed picture of myself, but then decided to stick to his initial offer of 15 million dollars. I believe it was approximately a seven minute conversation and we laughed about four different sub-topics. Needless to say, I am now a thousand times more excited about this basketball tournament.

Brushing up on some light reading,