Saturday, March 3, 2012


When I first met Jackson, I thought he was so ridiculously awesome that he had to have a girlfriend. After a few conversations and no mention of a girlfriend, I convinced myself that he had to be single and we were made for each other. Once we became Facebook friends, I saw pictures of him with one specific girl and I decided they were totally dating. [Insert 24 hours of mourning here.]
During this depressing disaster zone, Jackson and I hung out twice. Yes, twice. In large group settings nonetheless, but still I think we had a blast. He complimented mine and Lydia's cooking and we now have a couple of inside jokes. Friendship is beginning to blossom, beautifully of course.

After further investigation, I've found that this facebook-picture-chick is a long-past ex-girlfriend, and they haven't been much of friends since they broke up two years ago. Only in the past month have they started "catching up." That's right, at the exact same time I met Jackson, this girlie started trying to rekindle their love by showing him funny YouTube videos and meeting up for ice cream. I don't want to be possessive, but I would like to say to this girl: Stop living in the past!

If she doesn't move on, I'll be forced to.

Trying not to worry yet contemplating being more aggressive,

Friday, March 2, 2012


Can we just talk about how freakin adorable Brett is? I think I'm in love. Or something like it.
He always looks so excited to see me, but I may just be overthinking it. He's probably just being polite. 

Warning! The following story sounds like I'm a creep, but I promise it was completely per chance.

 As you remember, Brett helps lead worship at a Thursday night service that I regularly attend. This past time, I pulled into the parking lot with Kitty and we parked in our usual spot. We noticed for the first time that there was a window from the parking lot to backstage, and we saw Brett. Not even ten seconds later, he balled up a piece of paper and shot it into the garbage can. Nothing but net. He put his fists in the air and did a little victory dance around the room, but nobody else inside was celebrating with him. Little did he know I was cheering for him from inside my car! It was a precious moment we shared.

Yours truly,